Saturday, February 10, 2024

Wedding Message (Godparent’s speech) Final Version

Wedding Message (Godparent’s speech) Final Version

First and foremost Thank you Rox & Dex for letting me and my wife be a part of  your big day. 

( Allow me to read my notes) 

On this joyous occasion, we are all honored to witness the merging of two beautiful souls to become one. 

Today says it all! The presence of families and close friends who travelled near and far; who went all the way out of their schedules to celebrate with this couple today has added so much love to their wedded bliss. 

They couldn’t agree more with me when I say Marriage is a gift – an amazing blessing from above - yet it is not always a bed of roses. It is NOT easy. Let me rephrase — a STRONG marriage is NOT easy. 

In every relationship, there are good and bad times. It is NOT always perfect and conflict-free. It is NOT a stroll down easy road. It is more like a bumpy drive, through traits and weaknesses. It is difficult because, it is the bonding together of two limited and imperfect human beings. You are humans and you are both flawed. You are an imperfect couple and should learn to enjoy your differences. 

To reiterate, there’s is NO perfect wife and NO perfect husband, but if you keep believing in each other, there will be plenty of perfect moments in your togetherness. 

And the good news is - God intends every marriage to work - He designed it to succeed, so don't take anything less than that.  But a satisfactory and healthy marriage is not something that just happens. Every couple has to make an effort  to do their respective roles as husband and wife. 

Incidentally, my wife & I exchanged marital vows here in the same church as yours. We tied the knot in 1986. We celebrated our 38th wedding anniversary last January 18.  Indeed, our marriage doesn’t mean we are perfect for each other. It simply means we have chosen to look beyond our imperfections. It was built on teamwork.

You see, in marriage, the little things are the big things. It is standing together facing the world. It is doing things for each other, not in the attitude of duty or sacrifice, but in the spirit of love and joy. It is at no time taking the other for granted; It is not looking for perfection in each other. And specially to Rex, courtship should not end with the honeymoon, it should continue through the years.

Most of all, put God in the center of your marriage. Ask for grace to live with each other in peace and harmony; bear with one another's weaknesses and grow from each other’s strengths. Let your love keep burning like unquenchable fire and the God of Love shall permanently establish your home and family.

Lastly, on behalf of all the Godparents present here today, we offer our wisdom and guidance whenever you need it. Through the ups and downs of life, remember that we are here to support and guide you. May your union be filled with wisdom, understanding, and the capacity to grow both individually and as a couple. May you be committed to your wedding vows and learn to co-exist with each other.

And through life’s sunshine and challenges in marriage, may God’s grace always be with you Dex & Roxy! 

Cheers and Congratulations!

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